What Does a Website Need on a Monthly or Yearly Basis? When a website is developed it starts out with purchasing the domain and the hosting. People may not realize that there is a fee every year that must be paid to keep the domain. If you are not on top of it and it does not get renewed, there is a high probability that someone else will swoop in and take the domain. This is significant as then they can essentially “steal” your customers. Hosting is another thing that has to be paid yearly and it is the server on which your website is hosted. The other thing that a website needs on a regular basis is updates. These updates include: company content, pictures, plugins, software, products and blogs are all things that should be kept up-to-date. It is important to be on top of these things to be sure that your website is always looking fresh and customer ready. Think of it like keeping your place of work clean and tidy. You would not want people walking into your busines...